Success Stories
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Case of squint-cured homeopathically,my patient's testimonial
This is an interesting case of 2 year baby with complaints of esotropia squint eye since birth. Neck holding was not still present. She was easily excitable baby and sensitive to all impressions. Very obstinate baby. Startles from slightest noise. After taking Mother’s pregnancy history we got –She wanted to do job but not allowed by her husband so she got very anxious about herself.Based on a thorough evaluation of her complaints and life history, we prescribed the remedy and the patient reported after 2 months. She improves to 50 percent. With in a period of 6 months she got completely cured. Her squint eyes completely get normal ie cured.
This is an interesting case of 10 yea rbaby girl with complaints of BELL’S PALSY since birth. Left sided paralysis was there.She was having fear of thunderstorm. A diligent baby, friendly but jealous with her brother. After taking Mother’s pregnancy history we got –she was very much tensed in pregnancy and there was helplessness feeling in mother due to family issues. Based on a thorough evaluation of her complaints and life history, we prescribed and with in a period of 1 year she got completely cured. Her face becomes completely normal ie cured.
Cured CASE of Eczema
My daughter was suffering from Eczema since 4 months of age. There was severe bleeding cracks with voluptuous itching. It was too painful. I took so many allopathic treatments for her but it got in vain.Then I got to know about Dr Md Imteyaz Ahmad and started treatment with her within 3 months time my daughter has got completely cured. I am greatly thankful to Dr Md Imteyaz Ahmad for her excellenct treatment and valuable guidance and also recommend her too and Homeopathy for better treatment.
Cured CASE of Rheumatoid Arthritis
This is an interesting case of Rheumatoid Arthritis since last 3 years. She was on Pain killers and even on high dose but couldn't sleep for days and the movements were restricted and painful. Mentally the patient was dominating , dictatorial , disgust with son , irritable . She was under delirious state. Based on thorough evaluation of her complaints and life history , We prescribed the remedy and patient reported improvement within 2 months and she got completely cure in 2 years of time.