Knowing Homeopathy- A Peek

Discovered by German M.D. physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Homeopathy has existed for more than 200 years, and yet, is the youngest system of Medicine! Homeopathy can be summarized in just 3 S's: Scientific, Sound principled and Side-effect free.
The rationale behind Homeopathy is not just to treat the symptoms or pathology. It is to go for the prime base- the Immune System, and enhance it to the level of positive response. All this is achieved in the gentlest way possible, taking the individual, not only out of disease, but on to the path of health

Homoeopathy enhances your body's Inner Power & Harmony

Homeopathy is a Medical science based on the well proven fact that your body has its own power to heal. A healthy body is like a perfect machine where every part and organ of the body works in harmony.
At times when there is some mental stress or shock and/or some physical affliction such as an infection or injury, this disturbs the harmony or the functioning of the body. This instability and imbalance is expressed in the form of signs and symptoms of a disease.
Our body has the ability of healing itself and recovering from the disruptions in its function. For e.g. if one gets a cut on his or her finger, it stops bleeding on its own. However, if the cut or the wound is big, our body requires some external assistance in the form of dressing or stitches.

Why does the body need 'Extra Healing Power'?

Similarly, for internal disease processes, when the disrupting cause is stronger, the disturbance caused to the body is significant and then the body alone cannot manage to fight it on its own- sickness shows up in the form of sign and symptoms.
This is when, our body needs an external force which will help it recover and this is where Homeopathy helps. It strengthens the immune system (our body’s disease fighting ability) and it aids the system to fight back and helps in faster recovery.
Homeopathy is works on the principle that our body constantly makes effort to uphold and re-establish the internal strength. When the body is in a state of sickness, Homeopathic medicines gently provide stimulus to the immune system of our body and helps in fighting the disease in our body.

Reaching at Root Cause of the Trouble

Homeopathy treats you as an individual and not just your affected or diseased parts. Unlike other medical sciences, Homeopathy does not treat on the name of the disease but it looks for the root of the disease. Thus when the cause is removed from the body, the disease automatically goes away completely.

Homoeopathy Provides Gentle Treatment Through Natural Medicines

All Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances that belong to the plant kingdom, mineral kingdom and animal kingdom. Each medicine is then extensively proved on healthy human beings to get its most accurate identification of signs and symptoms produced in the body.
There are more than 3000 homeopathic medicines and new homeopathic medicines are regularly proved. Homeopathic medicines do not have any adverse effects, because the medicine is prescribed in minimum dose; this dose is just enough to bring about relief.

Homoeopathy is a Complete Science:

Homeopathy is a complete medical science. This gives it a clear-cut advantage over other systems of Medicine. It believes in considering the entire individual, his psychological and physical make-up. Along with this, it also considers the complete evolution of the disease while prescribing a remedy.

Homoeopathy Aims at removing the Root Cause:

A Homeopath enquires into the cause behind the trouble and spends a lot of time in taking your history. This is to find the root cause behind your disease. For example: A homeopath will want to remove the reason behind the headaches such as constipation, etc. or inquire patiently why are you stressed and show you the way out. Thus in this manner, your headaches stop recurring completely.

Homoeopathy is based on Holistic Methodology:

A homeopathic physician takes a detailed history of the patient. This is not just limited to his physical complaints, but also includes attributes and the emotional situation. The advantage of it is that, a detailed history leads to the root cause/s of the illness, and secondly, it is a channel for the patient to vent his innermost thoughts and feelings, that makes him feel instantly better.

Homoeopathy has No Side Effects:

Homeopathy is a side effect-free treatment that is gentle on the patient. Homeopathic remedies are made out of natural substances, and the doses prescribed by a qualified physician are not more than what the patient actually requires. This is the major reason behind no-side effects with Homoeopathy treatment.

Homoeopathy helps in Improving Immunity:

Homeopathy works by assisting the body's vital energy to heal. This means that you will get rid of each of your troubles small or big, old or new. Since with the treatment- the immune system is strengthened, Homeopathy ends up protecting you from future troubles as well.

Homoeopathy Medicine is the Safest Medicine:

Homeopathy is very safe. Pregnant women and babies can consume these medicines without worrying. Not only this, Homeopathic medicines can be taken with other medications without causing any harmful interactions or reactions. The beauty of Homeopathic medicines is that it does not lead to any drug dependency or substance abuse.

Homoeopathy also has an Excellent Preventive capacity:

Homeopathy has a role in disease prevention as it helps to maintain the healthy state of the individual which is not affected by the environmental influences. Medicines can be given as prophylactics (preventive) to prevent an individual from getting a disease that people around him may be suffering from. For e.g. If a child is suffering from Measles, in order to prevent the other child from getting the infection, if he is given a Homoeopathy remedy that is indicated, he will not suffer from that disease or even if he suffers, it will be a mild infection.

Homoeopathy in Epidemic diseases:

Homeopathic medicine can be extremely useful during epidemics. Homoeopathy has proved its efficacy in previous epidemics like Spanish Flu, Japanese Encephalitis etc. The use of Homoeopathy is also being widely researched in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Myth 1: Homeopathy is placebo

Fact: Many scientific clinical trials have proved that homeopathic medicines are far above the placebo effect. The curative effect of homeopathic medicine has been observed in millions of cases with wonderful results, so saying that Homeopathy is placebo is irrational.

Myth 2: Homeopathy gives the same white medicines for all diseases

Fact: What seems so is not true. The white pills are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicine that is sprinkled on them. The potent medicine coats the white pills. Different remedies can be prescribed in various potencies to best suit different patients. There are about 3000 medicines and 10 variable potencies (powers of medicines) of each medicine so a minimum of 30,000 various permutation and combinations can be utilized.

Myth 3: Homeopathy is slow to act

Fact: Not really. Homeopathic medicines act rapidly and the effect lasts much longer, as the disease is eradicated from its roots. The time taken for relief depends on the chronicity of the disease.

Myth 4: Homeopathic medicines contain steroids

Fact: It is a myth that homeopathy is slow to act, and when people see excellent and quick results in acute and chronic cases, they feel that homeopathic medicines contain steroids. But it is not true at all. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances and are sweet. Steroids taste bitter and so THERE ARE NO STEROIDS in homeopathic medicines.

Myth 5: Homeopathy is not a Medicine of emergency

Fact: Homeopathy has wonderful remedies to give quick relief in acute conditions like fever, cold and cough, pneumonia, diarrhoea, migraine, injuries, etc. However, it is important to note that you must consult a qualified homeopathic physician to get correct guidance.

Myth 6: Homeopathic medicines cannot beat antibiotics

Fact: Over the years, it has been seen that infections can be wonderfully abated and controlled with just homeopathic medicines, without the aid of antibiotics. Moreover, there is absolutely no chance of drug resistance in Homeopathy, unlike antibiotic medications.

Myth 7: There are a lot of food restrictions with homeopathic medicines

Fact: Homeopathic medicines are absorbed from the tongue and the inner lining of the mouth hence patients are asked not to eat or drink anything 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after taking the medicine. Also, it is advisable to cut down on raw onion, raw garlic, strong coffee and mint as they may antidote some of the medicine. These are the only food restrictions.

Myth 8: Homeopathy cannot be taken along with other medications

Fact: Homeopathic medicines can be taken along with other medications without any fear of side effects and complications. Homeopathic medicines also help in reducing the side effects of conventional therapies like in case of cancer. Homeopathic medicines will help in alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy also. "The doctor might ask you to restrict certain medicines incase they interfere with the treatment or affect the judgement of the treatment."

Myth 9: Homeopathy cannot help in certain cases like for warts, piles etc. Surgery is the only option.

Fact: Surgical treatment of conditions like warts, piles and kidney stones do not guarantee any form of long-lasting recovery, especially if a tendency to develop such conditions is present in the patient. Correct homeopathic treatment can not only take care of the present attack, but will also eliminate the tendency to recurrence.

Myth 10: Diabetic patients cannot take homeopathic medicines as they are sweet

Fact: Homeopathic medicines do not contain glucose (harmful in diabetics). They are made of a complex sugar called lactose. The actual amount of sugar in homeopathic medicines consumed over a period of one week is not more than one teaspoon. And still if the patient disagrees to this, homeopathic medicines can be taken in liquid form which is not sweet.
Though, there might be certain food restrictions specific to your disease.

Is Homeopathy a well proved science?

Homeopathy is based on scientific logic and vast experimental data. It is in fact, the only medicinal science where drug data is collected by proving on healthy human beings and not on animals. This is because human beings can communicate their actual feelings and symptoms during the testing while animals are unable to do so. Homeopathy and its principals have been derived by clinical experiments. The homeopathic drug collection (pharmacopeia) lists more than 3000 remedies, whose clinical efficiency has been proved in various clinical trials that have been conducted all over the world.

Are Homeopaths qualified doctors?

Yes. There are more than 250 Homeopathic medical colleges in India itself and about 1000 colleges all over the world that are recognized by their respective Governments. The degree course comprises of the detailed and thorough study of the human body, Medicine, Gynecology, Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Homoeopathic Philosophy, Homeopathic pharmacy, Total patient management etc. In India the duration of the full course is four and half years followed by internship for 1 year, which includes hands on practical training in hospitals. There are now also postgraduate courses (specializations) available in India. To practice Homoeopathy, one must mandatorily register with the relevant Medical Council in order to practice legally

What all does the homeopath needs to know about you?

In order to understand you as a person, your Homoeopath needs to know your nature, your complaints and your disturbed mental and emotional state. This will help him reach to the core of your case. Your Homoeopath also needs to know a peculiar habit if you have, your past medical history, childhood details etc. Providing an honest and correct history to the physician, will help him to assess your case precisely. Everything that you confide in your physician will be completely confidential.

Why do Homoeopaths require a detailed History?

Homeopathy believes in treating the individual and not the disease. Which is why the physician needs to know everything about the individual. A lot of times history will reveal any past suppressed ailments that have led to the present complaints. We are aware that there are many incidents that influence our life. Some of them can also have an impact on the mental or physical level. This is why it is important to know the detailed history of the patient.

Why do Homoeopaths require a detailed History?

Homeopathy believes in treating the individual and not the disease. Which is why the physician needs to know everything about the individual. A lot of times history will reveal any past suppressed ailments that have led to the present complaints. We are aware that there are many incidents that influence our life. Some of them can also have an impact on the mental or physical level. This is why it is important to know the detailed history of the patient.

Is it true that Homoeopaths do not believe in diagnosing the disease or conducting investigations?

It is impossible to treat without diagnosing a disease, however for the selection of the remedy we require to know the characteristic symptoms of the patient or symptoms peculiar to the patient. For e.g. two patients suffering from Asthma can have different factors that trigger the attack and different factors that give relief. It is important to know these minute details for prescription of a remedy. Investigations too are important to know disease diagnosis and to assess the improvement.

Is Homoeopathy (sugar pills) a placebo?

This is not true. The Homeopathic Medicine Pills are made from sugar but they are only vehicles. The actual liquid medicine which is poured over these pills is prepared from natural medicinal substances. Homeopathic medicines are sometimes also dispensed in liquid form or tinctures, which can be administered directly or by diluting them in water as per the doctor's instructions.

Why are the same white pills are given for all complaints?

The white pills are only vehicles to dispense actual medicines that is sprinkled on them, as per the need of each case. Homoeopathic medicines are used in various potencies (strengths) as per the need of different patients. Homoeopathy consists of about 3000 medicines and 10 variable potencies of each medicine. So there are a minimum 30,000 various combinations can be utilized for each patient.

Why does one have to take medicine for a long time?

The time taken for treatment (the duration of treatment) depends upon the nature of the disease (long standing or acute) and the disease fighting capacity of the patient's body. The treatment is continued for a specific time frame for the benefit of the patient, so that the problems go away completely and do not recur. Once the patient shows improvement, the treatment is discontinued and the natural immunity of the body takes care of the rest of the problems.

Why are Homoeopathy Medicines Slow to Act?

Homoeopathy medicines are not at all slow to act. Their action is prompt and the effect lasts much longer, at times forever. The disease is removed from its roots. The time taken for relief depends how long standing the complaints are. If a patient seeks homoeopathic treatment at the onset of an ailment (early), there are great chances of a quick recovery. In acute illnesses homoeopathic medicines act quickly and effectively. For e.g. if "X" is suffering from Diabetes and he is suffering for the last 20 years and has tired various systems of medicine. Now if Homeopathy gives him relief in 2 years, would you still say that Homeopathy is slow?

Is it true that Homoeopathic medicines have Steroids?

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances and are sweet in taste because of the globules (white pills). Steroids taste bitter and cannot let the sweet taste stay in the medicine, if they were added to the medicine. Besides whoever doubts the efficacy of these medicines, can surely get them tested in a laboratory.

Why do homeopaths refrain from telling the names of the medicines they prescribe?

The name of the medicine is not disclosed for the advantage of the patient. Knowing the name of the medicine can lead to the misuse of the medicine. This can alter the disease picture and make the treatment of the patient difficult. A copy of the case history can be provided for medico-legal purposes, or at the end of the treatment for patient's record. 13 Can Homeopathic medicines be consumed during pregnancy?